Anton and George Zimmermann were 2 brothers who came over to america aboard the Allemania from Bremen Germany in the year 1856. Being merchants they quickly established a brewery supply business wholesaling ingredients and equipment to the many breweries then operating in Cincinnati.
By 1883 the brothers had prospered so much that they built the buildings we now call with affection and in their honor “Zimmermanns Corner”. If you look up at the facade on the Frintz side near the corner you can see the dedication plaque attesting to the buildings heritage. The brothers also put up at least one other building in the area which happens to be around the corner at 80 E. McMicken. On its facade you can see that they dedicated it to some very special people! In 1908 George, the older brother passes away but Anton lives on into the age of prohibition where his business suffers and falls into bankruptcy. From there the trail grows cold.. Perhaps some of his great grandchildren are still alive today and in the area. We’d like to think so and that they would be proud that what their relatives did so long ago still stands and is, in many ways better than ever before. Prost!